Xing Shi (史兴)

I am a Ph.D. student at Information Sciences Institute (ISI) of University of Southern California (USC), adviced by Prof. Kevin Knight. Interested in Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation and Neural Sequence Models. Prior to USC, I worked with Prof. Minlie Huang on Information Extraction and Sentence Compression at Tsinghua Univeristy. [Curriculum Vitae]


Incident-Driven Machine Translation and Name Tagging for Low-resource Languages Ulf Hermjakob, Qiang Li, Daniel Marcu, Jonathan May, Sebastian J Mielke, Nima Pourdamghani, Michael Pust, Xing Shi, Kevin Knight, Tomer Levinboim, Kenton Murray, David Chiang, Boliang Zhang, Xiaoman Pan, Di Lu, Ying Lin and Heng Ji; Machine Translation, 2017 [Link]
Hafez: an Interactive Poetry Generation System Marjan Ghazvininejad*, Xing Shi*, Jay Priyadarshi, and Kevin Knight; ACL 2017 Demonstrations (*:Equal contributions) [PDF] [DEMO] [Alexa Skill] [Alexa Demo Video] [R!CH]
Speeding up Neural Machine Translation Decoding by Shrinking Run-time Vocabulary Xing Shi and Kevin Knight; ACL 2017 [PDF]
Temporal Learning and Sequence Modeling for a Job Recommender System Kuan Liu, Xing Shi, Anoop Kumar, Linhong Zhu, Prem Natarajan; RecSys Challenge 2016 [ARXIV] [SLIDE]
Does String-Based Neural MT Learn Source Syntax? Xing Shi, Inkit Padhi and Kevin Knight; EMNLP 2016 [PDF] [POSTER]
Why Neural Translations are the Right Length Xing Shi, Kevin Knight and Deniz Yuret; EMNLP 2016 [PDF] [SLIDE]
Generating Topical Poetry Marjan Ghazvininejad, Xing Shi, Yejin Choi, and Kevin Knight; EMNLP 2016 [PDF] [SLIDE]
How to Speak a Language without Knowing It Xing Shi, Kevin Knight and Heng Ji; ACL 2014 [PDF] [SLIDE] [API] [DATA] [微信服务号]
Using First-Order Logic to Compress Sentences Minlie Huang, Xing Shi and Xiaoyan Zhu; AAAI 2012 [PDF]


University of Southern California, Los Angeles Ph.D. student in Computer Science ( 2012 - Present )
Tsinghua University, Beijing B.E. in Computer Science and Technology ( 2008 - 2012 )


Best Demo Paper Award in ACL 2017
Finalist Award in at Amazon Alexa Skills Challenge 2017
Second prize in PoetiX 2017 (a sonnets generation competition)
First prize in PoetiX 2016 (a sonnets generation competition)
Second-class scholarship offered by ESS Inc. 2010-2011
Second-class scholarship offered by Geru Zheng. 2009-2010
First-class scholarship offered by Huawei Inc. 2008-2009
Elected as the Beijing Olympic Torch Escorts. Jul. 2008


Email: Address: 4676 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292